B U S I N E S S + L I F E S T Y L E
Growing my client list in small pockets of time...
From the beginning of my business, I have made a commitment to myself that I would work no more than 20 hours a week. Now, there's probably been a couple weeks here and there that I have worked more, but I'm very diligent about not going over that cap. I've made and grown my business based off of those hours. Learn how I've continually grown over the last 4 years while sticking to those hours!
3 Things a Business Coach Doesn't Want You to Know
There's a time and a place for when you do and don't need a coach. Today I want to talk about three different things that a lot of your coaches don't want you to know, so that you can decide whether it's a good time for you to work with a coach or not.
Team Retreat Recap
If you want to plan a team retreat, you want to make sure it's a time and place everyone can get to and that it works for everyone. I start planning dates about 6-8 months in advance so everyone can mark it on their calendars...
June Recap: I disappeared and loved it
I hit pause on all my content and marketing...This was not intentional and really isn't a big deal, but I do think there are a lot of lessons learned here. For the past (almost) four years, I've been hustling and grinding to get this business up and off the ground, scalable and able to support a team of 6 full-time and part-time employees.