June Recap: I disappeared and loved it

You may have noticed (or not 😂), that I've been a bit quiet for most of May and June. I mean literally no emails, no podcasts, no social media... and pretty much vanished in terms of the online world.

Hitting pause on all my content and marketing was not intentional…

…and really isn't a big deal, but I do think there are a lot of lessons learned here. For the past (almost) four years, I've been hustling and grinding to get this business up and off the ground, scalable and able to support a team of 6 full-time and part-time employees.

If you ever hear anyone say that they have a secret sauce, course, or solution to scale a profitable business overnight, don't listen to them. It's a lot of blood, sweat and tears... literally.

There have been some high highs and low lows and if you have been around at all this year, you have known that this year is the year of healing and learning how to continue to grow my business without compromising my health, my family and my team. Between that and the fact that a podcast episode I was a guest on blew up overnight and booked us out for months... yea you get the picture... I had to hit the breaks to make sure we could get our new clients onboarded and that I could support my employees fully!

So what have I been up to? 

Well, the most important - the pool life 🏊🏼 ! We got a yearly membership to our local pool club and have been spending every second of every day there. AND I got my brother married off and gained the sweetest new sister in the process. However, lowkey jealous because they have spent the last few weeks hoping around the Greece islands... 👀

I was on Luann's podcast, The Well-Designed Podcast, at the end of April and that episode brought us some super fun new clients that we are beyond excited to be working with. We also have been taking some leaps and bounds with our CFO clients. One has been through the transition of taking her team from contractors to employees the past few months and with another client we are doing a full team time audit and pairing that with her pricing strategy to get her to hit her profit goals!

Oh and homesteader LoriAnn is in full force... After a tough start to the year, our garden is looking incredible. Right now we are in the sweet stage where everything is planted but the preserving hasn't started yet. And let me tell you.... I went a little wild with the amount of plants I did this year lol. I may or may not be considering making it bigger though 😂


Team Retreat Recap